ecosonica WEEKENDER

listening to changing nature – changing the nature of listening

7th – 9th june 2024 in The Salt House – West Bay – Dorset DT6 4HB

an informal ‘drop in and out’ programme of ecoacoustic events…. more

Adrian Newton [Sebastian]: Current work focuses on using sound to explore the relationships between people and the environment, using approaches drawn from acoustic ecology and ecoacoustics, including soundscape composition and creation of sound mosaics. Recent works also explore the sonic signature of environmental change.

Lynn Davy [Trisha]: Attempts to keep the spirit of DADA alive through a combination of absurdist multi-media creations and performance art. Recent projects have included installation of an anti-Brexit grove of renegade Xmas trees in a shopping mall, repatriation of plastic beach refuse suspended from abandoned beach umbrellas, and a DJ battle involving wind-up gramophones and found objects.

Arthur Newton [Neon Lattice]: Creator of digital visuals and associated soundscapes using a range of cutting-edge technologies, including point-cloud imagery, photogrammetry and artificial intelligence. 

David Rogers: Creative practice includes, 3D installation, performance, screen based work, single screen, projections, multiple screen works and audio, from oral histories and soundscape to compositional sound. Since 2016 he has been working with associates on a series of collaborative, public, sound events that examine change within the landscape through ecoacoustic ‘live’ performance and installation.

Marcus Leadley [Dog on a Deckchair]: Head of Goldsmiths Electronic Music Studios and also works as lead artist and consultant to public art projects. Much of this practice is collaborative: working with other sonic artists, musicians or producers or with visual artists.

Tansy Spinks: Artist, performer, sound and video maker, photographer, Tansy is currently researching site-specific sound as a performative practice.

Pete Treglown: Live sound performances are based on layering and processing of prerecorded audio sources, playing back this material using record players, cassette tape, and digital files.

Circles in Circles: Creation of ambient electronic soundscapes using loops, tape delays and the wonders of Frippertronics.

No Context: Improvising experimental electronics, featuring Allan Upton and Adrian Newton, plus collaborators. Making chthonic soundscapes for the head.

Eva Fahle-Clouts: Recent work, Eva is reconnecting with her movement work using walking, performance, installation, photography, video, text and earth. Concerned with environmental and political issues she is raising awareness about how we treat the earth.

Geräuschhersteller: Ensemble specialising in experimental and indeterminate music, based in Dorset.

Blanc Sceol: Artist duo working across performance, improvisation, composition, participatory actions, deep listening facilitation, somatic & ritual gatherings. They create performances that have been described as ‘transcendent’ ‘other-worldly’ & ‘ethereal’.


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