Artist Talk : : Philippe Kocher and Marc Yeats

Composers and researchers Philippe Kocher and Marc Yeats introduce their creative works, artistic thinking, and research.

The innovation:SOUND:technology (IST) series is centered on creative approaches and novel technological advances with aesthetic implications for music, instrument design, performance art, sound art, and digital art.

In the second event of the IST series, composers and researchers Philippe Kocher and Marc Yeats introduce their creative works, artistic thinking, and research surrounding synchronicity, complex time structures, polytemporal music, and technological advances enabling new temporal and spatial musical experiences.

Philippe Kocher (born 1973) is a musician, composer and researcher. He studied piano, electroacoustic music, music theory, composition and musicology in Zurich, Basel, London and Bern. His work encompasses instrumental and electroacoustic music as well as sound installations. His artistic and scientific interests lie in algorithmic composition and computer-generated music and art. He conducts research at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST) in Zurich and teaches music theory, composition and computer music at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Dr Marc Yeats is an internationally performed, commissioned, and broadcast British composer, abstract landscape painter and practice researcher. His work as a painter and composer is closely linked to techniques developed over many years, with compositions influencing new approaches to painting and techniques in painting influencing musical development. Marc continues to push his compositional horizons through the incorporation of mobile phone technologies employing user-responsive materials in geolocated contexts – compositions audiences can walk through and explore – and live performance formats through a range of polytemporal structural approaches, including his timecode-supported polytemporal composition method developed as an AHRC funded PhD research project at the School of Music, University of Leeds between 2017 and 2021.

Hosted and programmed by Itzá García and Tobias Fandel.

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