electricbackroom STUDIO @ Sonic Cartography Conference

SONIC CARTOGRAPHY soundscape, simulation and re-enactment
conference with creative works and ideas by composers, artists and scholars working within musical, visual, social contexts.

Historic Dockyard Chatham
Medway campus, University of Kent
28th – 30th October 2022

Paper presentations, MAAST concerts, Wave Field Synthesis concerts, installations, workshops, listening rooms.

Friday 28th October 2022
Workshop 1: From Montage to Palimpsest

image by Brona Martin

Marcus Leadley and David Rogers invited delegates to explore the dockyard site and submit recordings for inclusion in the installation.

BandCamp download: https://divacontemporary.bandcamp.com/album/from-montage-to-palimpsest

Friday 28th October 2022
Workshop 2: Wait Till I Tell Ye! Strategies for mapping with Voice, Text and Sound

image by Brona Martin

This workshop presented by Dr John D’Arcy (Sonic Arts Research Centre) offered a space to explore creative approaches for mapping with voice, text and sound. John presented examples from his work in Belfast with HIVE Choir, and in Dublin with Tolka Chorus, before inviting the group to develop a new collaborative sonic performance.

Saturday 29th October 2022
Installation: From Montage to Palimpsest

image by David Rogers

The installation employed a wireless headphone network to present participants with a mediated version of the quotidian soundscape – while they explore the dockyard site. Field recordings made during pre-production are edited, processed and archived with recordings of the site from 2013. These were loaded into a Max/MSP patch generating a constantly evolving sonic palimpsest where times past and present collide, and actions, gestures, spaces are relationships are reconfigured.

Saturday 29th October 2022
Talks, Presentations and Listening Rooms

image by Brona Martin

Saturday 29th October 2022

image by David Rogers

Sunday 30th October 2022
Talks, Presentations and Listening Rooms

image by David Rogers

Sunday 30th October 2022

image by Brona Martin

University of Kent Music and Audio Technology – University of Greenwich – MAAST
organised by: the Sonic Palimpsest research team.

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