Dorchester Science Festival 2022

Take Me To The River
FREE science and wildlife workshops at Cape Farewell HQ
The Watershed, Sydling St Nicholas, Dorset DT2 9NS 

Dorchester Science Festival

Saturday 12th March 2022
session one: 11am – 1pm & session two: 2pm – 4pm

A unique opportunity to work with scientists ‘in the field’ as they conduct research at the Cape Farewell artists residency site north of Dorchester.

There will be two sessions of four workshops – Work with Professor Genoveva Esteban (Bournemouth University), using microscopes as she explores the beginnings of life and biodiversity on our planet – Work with Will Beaumont (The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust), as he studies the salmon and trout migration – Work with Professor Adrian Newton (Bournemouth University) and David Rogers (electricbackroom STUDIO), listening to underwater sounds using hydrophones – Work with Sam Lloyd (Dorset Wildlife Trust and RSPB), identifying birds and their call sounds. Cape Farewell Director David Buckland and eco-poet Helen Moore will also accompanying the groups.

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